Sydney Fish Market & Festival Surry Hills

March 29, 2015

The Sydney Fish Market-Scampi.

Sydney Fish Market

The Sydney Fish Market, located on Blackwattle Bay, Pyrmont is a must visit for both locals and visitors alike. Though it may not be the most tranquil or picturesque setting, but bear in mind it is after all still a working fishing port and wholesale fish market, so all the hustle and bustle are just part of the territory.
Sashimi feast.

I must admit, this place has seen very little change, It is still shabby, the seagulls are still pesky, but you won't be short on choice when choosing your seafood. From salmon, tuna, kingfish and toothfish for the sashimi platter, to oysters, Moreton Bay bugs, scampi, lobsters. Whatever takes your seafood fancy, I'm sure it can satisfied right here. Just in case, you're after a non-seafood option, well, there's always the beef brisket burger.

Carousel | Festival Surry Hills

Brickfield Bakery
Brickfield Bakery – Croissants.
After the seafood, we trekked back into the city to Surry Hills, where a little market was being held showcasing local produce, fashion, food and coffee. Perhaps we were a little late, as there weren't many stalls by the time we arrived and the crowd was quite dispersed. However, that didn't deter my appetite (it was all that walking, I'm sure) as the croissants were just too good to pass by.
Today's market is actually the first of an ongoing series run by Workshopped, The Office Space, the Surry Hills Creative Precinct, The Sydney Morning Herald Spectrum NOW Festival. I think if you live locally, this market is a great place to gather with a few friends and get to know your community, the local businesses and the people behind them. 

To end, on a picture perfect day, there's nothing better than enjoying the afternoon lazying in the sun, with music playing in the background and food just within reach.
Local produce.
Flute Bags.

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