
The Products

The products reviewed on Spinach & Olive are all purchased by me, unless stated otherwise. The reviews are 100% my personal opinion/experiences with the products and are meant to be used as a general guide. If you have any specific health or skin concerns, please consult your doctor.

Press samples are denoted with (*) and will also be mentioned in the body of the post. However, it does not in anyway influence my opinion.  But remember, at the end of the day we all have personal preferences and what I fancy may not be your cup of tea, so judge for yourself.

Sponsored Posts

In the case of paid/sponsored posts, they will be clearly stated. My aim is to provide you with the best possible content that also fit into the style of my blog and my lifestyle. Again, all opinion/reviews are all my own as the most important thing for me is the integrity of the content.


All photos seen on Spinach & Olive as well as on my Instagram and Flickr feeds are taken by me, unless stated otherwise. I reserve the right to edit the images for aesthetic purposes. As many of you know, countless hours of work goes into creating blog posts, especially with photography and editing, therefore unauthorised download, use, alteration and/or duplication of any material without express and written permission from me is strictly prohibited. 

I would appreciate that any images pinned on Pinterest to be attributed;
- Name/Source of the photo Spinach & Olive and/or
- Provide a link to the source https://spinachandolive.blogspot.com.au

The sharing of information is what enriches us, but at the same time we need to respect Copyright and intellectual property. 


Your comments/feedback is important to me. I welcome your feedback, thoughts, opinions, recommendations. However, please keep in mind to use appropriate language as I reserve the right to remove any offensive, abusive, defamatory or inappropriate comments.

Thank you all.

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