Blue Mountains Botanic Garden, Mt Tomah

April 04, 2015

Raindrops on Eucalyptus leaves

This Easter holiday long weekend began in some very dreary weather; weather which usually would confine me to the indoors with a cuppa in hand. However, I was in the mood to take a few snaps and was quite determined to make the most out of the rain.
The Blue Mountains Botanic Garden, Mt Tomah has been on my 'to visit' list for some time. Though a visit on a sunny day would be ideal, yet a grey and rainy day brings about a very different atmosphere to the mountains as it is enveloped in thick fog.
The path ahead
The path ahead.
The gardens themselves are organised by plant origin, from Africa, Australia to New Zealand and New Caledonia to mention a few and there are plenty of walks, which on a sunny day would make for a perfect romantic meander. 
The necklace
The necklace.
To my surprise, there were quite a few people out in the gardens, I guess I wasn't the only one forgoing the warmth of the indoors. The rain did make photographing a bit of a challenge, especially for one who doesn't like to get wet, but it did have its own reward – water. With my new love; the 50mm, f1.8 lense, I was able to capture water as it trickled off leaves, pooled into ponds, delicately balanced on flower petals. The presence of water brought to my attention details that I would normally have missed.

There is beauty all around.

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