Cocoa Marble Bread

December 23, 2015

Cocoa Marble Bread
Cocoa marble bread.
Peaceful Cuisine is one of my favourite Youtube discoveries of the year. His videos have no dialogue but all are beautifully filmed and are a pleasure to watch. I'm not much of a baker nor a vegan, but I find myself watching video after video, they are addictive and therapeutic.

Well, today was just one of those days that as I lay in bed devouring yet another one of his videos, I felt inspired, almost compelled to attempt one of his recipes and have a crack at baking. Why not? It is almost Christmas.

What You Will Need

- 300g plain flour
- 100g wholemeal flour
- 20g sugar/sweetener
- 20g coconut oil
- 15 cocoa powder (he uses cacao but I reckon you can use any powder you fancy, like Macha as well).
- 1 tsp salt
- 10g dried yeast
- 250~300ml of warm water

I won't attempt to put his steps into writing, don't think I can do it justice, so the best thing is just to watch him work his magic –

But like most things, it was harder than it looked and as someone who rarely bakes I lacked some serious kneading techniques as my dough wasn't smooth nor round. The cocoa powder wasn't quite mixed in with the dough, so there were some obvious patchy areas. But the good thing is, I got it into a baking tin in a relatively presentable fashion. 
Oven Ready
Ready for the oven.

The end result? 

I must say despite a technical error with the oven which lead to some over fermenting (my fault entirely hence instructions manuals are handy during these moments), I'm really pleased with the end product, though the marbling can be described as trying but overall it was a success! As for the taste. though it looks like a sponge cake, it is bread, so it has the crunch but a soft centre with barely any sweetness.
Freshly Baked
Freshly baked.
Sliced Loaf
Freshly sliced loaf.
Faint Marbling.

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