Opera Australia – Turandot

August 23, 2015

Opera Australia - Turadot
Opera Australia-Turandot.
I first heard of Puccini's Turandot many years back and its famous aria "Nessun Dorma" (Andrea Bocelli's rendition) can often be heard blasting through the sound system at home on weekends...courtesy of my dad. So when I saw an advertisement for Graeme Murphy's production of Turandot on the side of a bus...yes...a bus, I jumped online and booked my seat.

The Story

Composed by Puccini (his last opera) but completed by his student Franco Alfano, Turandot is set in imperial Peking, China. Calaf, a brave yet selfish prince falls in love at the sight of Turandot, a beautiful yet cold-hearted princess who sends her suitors to the their deaths if they fail to answer her three riddles. 

Against the wishes of his exiled father Timur and slave girl Liu who loves him, Calaf rings the gong and successfully answers all three riddles. Distraught, for Turandot must now marry the successful suitor, Calaf gives her a riddle of his own and will sacrifice his life to win her love.

On the contrary, Liu was perhaps the only character that stirred genuine emotion in me for she displayed depth in emotion, complexity and courage as she struggled with her unrequited love for Calaf. Her words in her final aria "Such secret love, and unconfessed, so great that these tortures are sweetnesses for me, because I present them to my lord...I give him your love...I give him you, Princess, and I lose all!..."(Arnesen, pg.259) presents her in a position of power, as a redeemer, as an instigator. She chose to sacrifice her life for them both! Without her, the ensuing relationship between Turandot and Calaf wouldn't have been possible. 
Joan Sutherland Theatre
Joan Sutherland Theatre-Sydney Opera House.

All being said, it is after all just a fable. Even though the story raises many questions for me, but the experience of an opera is still one to be savoured, especially in celebration of Opera Australia's 60th Anniversary.

Main Cast

Turandot – Zara Bennett
Calaf – Rosario La Spina
Liu – Daria Masiero
Timur – Pelham Andrews
Ping – Luke Gabbedy
Pang – Graeme Macfarlane
Pong – John Longmuir

Conductor – Benjamin Northey
Director/Choreographer – Graeme Murphy

Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra
Opera Australia Chorus

The Romantic World of Puccini: A New Critical Appraisal of the OperasIris J. Arnesen

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