2015 – Just Do It!

January 03, 2015

New Year Resolutions
2015 Resolutions.
Just like the phrase coined by Dan Wieden for Nike's 1988 ad campaign "Just Do It', I want 2015 to be a year of action and progress.

2014, especially the latter half; felt like a complete blur. Aside from work and the occasional friend get-together, I was busy attending other people's big events-weddings. As the new year rolled around and I casually asked friends their plans for the year, the number one answer was "I plan to get married", or "I plan to start a family" or both. I am no longer surprised by the fact that people around me are getting married in their drones, after all that's just a natural progression of life I guess. But what struck me was they had a plan. 

The truth of the matter is, you need a plan for any action to take place. How simple.

Unfortunately, that's what I didn't have and so for the past few years there has been simply no action. 
Well, all is about to change as I set out my agenda for the new year!

Kickstart my photography with simple projects. 

I've had my Canon 500D for a few years now but haven't used it as often I 'd like to improve my photography. Though I have grasp of the basics, there is no way of actually improving without just taking the camera out and shoot!  At the moment I'm still deciding as to which personal project I should embark on, so will keep you posted!

Read More
Nowadays, so little time is set aside for reading, simply for one's own pleasure. So this year, I want to enrich myself with books. Read classics that's been sitting on my shelf for years; finish reading books that I started (ahem but failed to finished). 
So above are my plans for year, but having said that I'm also a realist, I understand that often things don't go according to plan. But at least I have set the pendulum in motion, come what may.

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  1. Well done! Good on you for putting yourself out there and trying it out! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thx ladies, I'm sure your ♥ will help me last the 10mths. So far, I've made headway on all the three to-dos, so I'll keep cracking!


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