Wentworth Falls – Charles Darwin Walk

October 06, 2014

Looking up at the canopy
Looking up at the canopy.
Charles Darwin Walk, as its name suggests is the track walked by naturalist Charles Darwin himself in 1836. It is nestled in the Blue Mountains National Park and is just a short distance from Wentworth Falls station, which makes it the perfect choice for those travelling by public transport and is looking for a relatively easy walk to kickstart their bushwalking experience. Yet one that is also packed with scenic views.

We started the trek quite early, the air was still crisp and only a few other walkers here and there. The trail itself follows the Jamison Creek as it cascades down several small waterfalls and hanging swamps on the hillside. As one meanders through the bushland over bridges and boardwalks, one can't help but wonder that this is the very scenery that Charles Darwin himself once laid eyes upon. 
Flowing stream
Flowing stream.
As the day heated up, and the track slowly filled with families and couples young and old, the cool waters of the cascading pools certainly did offer some much needed relief; a place to rest our feet and take in the beauty of the bush and its local residents.
Local fauna
Local fauna.
The walk ended at Weeping Rock Waterfall, a popular spot for amateur photographers as they descended with their tripods and elaborate camera gear. Perhaps, I too will attempt my photography skills at the next walk, but somehow the idea of carrying a rather cumbersome camera bag doesn't sound too appealing (unless I can enlist a sidekick).
Weeping Rock Waterfall
Weeping Rock Waterfall.
At a time where all my Saturdays seems to be dedicated to wedding practices (deserving a blog post of its own), this walk, on a bright sunny day was a much needed release and hopefully will ease my bridesmaid blues.

Til the next bushwalk.

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  1. Beautiful scenery and beautiful words, wish I could have joined you! We shall make another bushwalk date next time. Speaking of dance practices, I saw you are beaming with energy and memorising the moves so well, so no need to feel blue about it!

    1. Yeah it's definitely worth revisiting! By the look of things, we probably won't have a chance til next year given all the dance practices and bridesmaid duties. I guess I can't change it, so gotta except it.


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