The Australian Botanic Garden | Mt Annan

October 07, 2019

Hello hello! I know, it has been a while; eight months since my last post to be exact. Times flies, as they say when you're having fun, but to be honest, I haven't been up to anything much during my hiatus, anyway enough about that. 

The visit to The Australian Botanic Garden – Mt Annan was a bit of an impromptu one, as I wondered where to spend the October long weekend. I didn't want to go somewhere too far, and since the WA paper daisies were in bloom at the garden, which was only about an hour's drive away, well why not? To err on the side of caution though, I got there about 10am to avoid the long weekend crowd, find parking and also time to find some good photo spots!
Western Australian Paper Daisies
Western Australian Paper Daisies
The spring daisy display is located near the visitor centre, by the time I arrived there were already a few small groups scattered amongst the display, taking their best IG shots. Entry is free, so if you want to get an IG worthy photo, make sure to be there as early as possible. Unfortunately, there were also areas where the daisies have been trampled, it's not hard to guess why. I know these days we all like to get that IG shot, but it is also important to respect the work of others; a lot of work has gone into the paper daisy display, so respect it by not standing in the garden bed, so it can be left for all to enjoy. 
Bloom en masse
Bloom en masse
Paper Daisies
Paper Daisies in black and white
There is still a few weeks left to catch sight of the blooms, the display is till the end of October. 


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  1. That looks like a fab trip! I’d not have thought of the highest observation at all, but it’s a great suggestion for getting some good budget-friendly tour by car


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