Jacaranda In Bloom

November 22, 2015

The Jacaranda.
As the Christmas decorations go up in stores everywhere and people start their holiday gift guides, there's one thing I always look forward to during this time of the year - the Jacaranda, in full bloom.

The tree itself is rather unassuming most of the year with small and slender foliage, and the pods or fruit is rather odd looking, a dark brown, flat and wonky disc with seeds tucked away inside and also a favourite play thing for the cockatoos.  But as the weather warms and usually coupled with high humidity and rain, it displays its true colours.
The blue trumpet-like flowers of the Jacaranda.
All of a sudden, as I look on the ground outside, a few pale violet (or as some would call it - Jacaranda Blue), trumpet-like flowers sit daintily on the ground, and up above the tree has blossomed, a burst of colour some years the bloom is so intense that the leaves are almost covered over.
Fallen blooms.
Jacaranda, the Portuguese word meaning to have a hard core or hard branch. For me it is just beautiful, almost ethereal.

Til next year...
Jacaranda pod.

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