Melbourne – Les Misérables

September 07, 2014

Yarra River
Melbourne - Yarra River
It has been a few years since my last visit to Melbourne and ever since then I've been enchanted by the city's picturesque setting. So when I heard that Cameron Mackintosh's new production of  Les Miserables will be playing at Her Majesty's Theatre, it didn't take much convincing for me to get on a plane and pay this city another visit and it certainly didn't disappoint.
Her Majesty's Theatre
Left + Centre - Riverfront, Right - Her Majesty's Theatre.
After weeks of wet weather in Sydney, Melbourne provided the perfect weekend escape for some much craved sun and culture!  As I made my way along the bank of The Yarra River or as the locals call it "the river that runs upside down", the city felt almost European with its pedestrian bridges, a beautiful promenade lined with restaurants and pocket parks. There were people soaking up the sun, cycling, strolling and a horse drawn carriage reminiscent of New York's Central Park. A walk along the banks of The Yarra River is picturesque and romantic(even if you are on your own), it is an experience to be savoured. 
Federation Square
Federation Square.
Many will seem surprised that I would fly to Melbourne just for a show, but the experience of theatre allows us to experience the world of another person but at the same time experience our own world.  We see traces of ourselves in the characters; their joys and sufferings, it is an intense focus on human nature.  As Ludwig Lewisohn stated, "In all ages the drama, through its portrayal of the acting and suffering spirit of man, has been more closely allied than any other art to his deeper thoughts concerning his nature and destiny."

There is a bit of drama in us all.

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