Photography Focus 2017

January 29, 2017

Towards the latter half of 2016, my photography lost a bit momentum. In my post 2017 – It's About Setting Goals, I pointed out that aside from work commitments, it was largely due to a lack of planning as to what I wanted to learn and achieve throughout the year. But for 2017, I'm excited to get my photography back on track and have found some interesting photography projects from some of my favourite photography resources.

You never know, maybe they will inspire you to embark on your own personal photography project!

Photo Assignments – Art of Photography

If you've read my post Four Photography Resources You Need To Know, you will know that I've been watching Ted's videos ever since I embarked on my photography journey. I've never been someone that believed you need the most expensive gear or be technically perfect in every shot to enjoy the photo-taking process, certainly not starting out anyways and through his videos, I've discovered many great photographers, such as the late Fan Ho. 

I'm a bit late on the bandwagon but nonetheless excited to begin this series of photo assignments. I think the most important thing to keep in mind while doing photo assignments is not to be too self-critical, let yourself have the freedom to explore and learn, if the images aren't perfect, well they are not meant to be. Just enjoy the learning process.

 2017 Photography Challenge – The Photo Argus (TPA)

I thought I also throw in something from The Photo Argus, it is a subject based photography project spread over 52 weeks (of course, you don't have to stick to the 52-week program if you don't want to), the subjects are a guide or inspiration, I certainly see some room for creative exploration.

Perhaps it is a little ambitious tackling two photography projects at once, but I don't think they clash but rather one may serve as inspiration for the other in terms of subject choice.

Happy Snapping! 


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