Be The Master of Your Own Photography Journey

March 24, 2016

You don't make a photograph with just a camera.
You don't make a photograph with just a camera. (Kenting, Taiwan)
“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”– Ansel Adams

I've been intending to write this post for a while, a kind of reflection of my photography journey so far, especially to share with you guys some of the comments I've received from the people around me and the attitudes I've encountered. Ever since embarking on this learning experience and completing the One Year One Lense personal project, I'm starting to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of photography both artistically and technically. 

Interestingly, when I tell people that I'm learning photography most are supportive and intrigued but at the same time they somehow think they are entitled to give you their opinion and in some situations even tell you how it should be done. Have you ever been in a similar situation? I'm all for learning from others, but most of the time the people telling me what to do aren't professional photographers nor are they even passionate about photography, it is simply because they own a camera.

The Gear Hog

"If it is not full frame, it is not photography" – This probably won't come as a surprise for anyone who is into photography, even as a beginner most comments I received were gear/equipment related, something along the lines of  "any lense under $1000 is a waste of money" or "The only way to learn photography is by using full frame". Why? Because it is the belief that only expensive gear can give you a good photo. 

What Makes A Great Photo?

Are you only artist if you use only the most expensive drawing pencils? Are you a good driver only if you drive a Porsche? Then why do people think that you can only be a photographer if you have expensive gear? Now, don't get me wrong I'm all for investing in quality equipment that both suit your need and budget, what I'm trying to stress is that gear is only part of the equation, what's more important is – you!
Be Your Own Master!
Yes, You.  Perhaps why so many people think that gear is the most important when it comes to photography is that they overlook the person behind the lense. It may look simple enough just pressing a button, but I' sure you'll agree that a lot of work goes into that decisive moment; your thought process, your creative vision, your technical skills all come together to form that one image. While quality equipment can better help you to capture and deliver that final image, it certainly cannot replace your photographic vision. 

“It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera; they are made with the eye, heart and head.”– Henri Cartier-Bresson

Be Your Own Master

Everyone's photography journey is different but it's always personal. Only you know what is best for you! So next time someone tells you "your camera takes great photos", why not hand them your camera and let them have a go? 

I will also be sharing some photography resources that I have found to be tremendously valuable as well as entertaining. So be sure to come back and check it out! 

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