Photography Focus 2016

January 05, 2016

Photography Focus 2016
Photography Focus 2016 (Original Image from Unsplash)
What do I have planned photography-wise for 2016? Develop creatively and technically. Unlike last year which I set out with a particular lense and photo project in mind, this year I want to develop some technical skills and focus on a particular style of photography and see where it takes me. What style you might ask?

Black and White Photography

I noticed quite early on during 2015 that I have a particular liking for black and white photography (ha, my friends wouldn't be surprised) and have always found them to be more engaging, timeless and captivating. Though it's early days yet for me as a photographer and I have yet to develop my own style, but I'm very much inspired by the works of Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier-Bresson and perhaps my favourite Fan Ho.

Today it is so easy to convert any colour image to black and white with a simple click. But in actual fact it is much more complicated than that (as with most things in life), it is about having an understanding of what constitutes a black and white image, how does colour translate into a good black and white image and perhaps most importantly how you are able to see the world in tones

Move into Manual Mode

I've shot in AV mode for a few years, it takes care of a lot of thinking for you whilst still giving you control over ISO, exposure compensation, etc. But to progress in photography, there's no escape from Manual Mode. So 2016 is going to be the year for me!

The reason why I've didn't start with full on Manual Mode is perhaps like many others out there – it is daunting. Though I understand the basic relationship between ISO, aperture and shutter speed, it is another thing to put it into practice and mastering those skills. Thankfully, the internet offers a wealth of helpful guides and even cheats sheets to ease you into Manual Mode,

The Photo Argus has many helpful cheats sheets or a great base to start would be the Sunny 16 Rule.

What are some of your photography goals for 2016? If you want to see my 2015 photos check out my Flickr photostream or the album One Year, One Lense!

Here's to another year of happy shooting!

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